This Virgo Season so far I repeatedly am receiving the message to slow down and truly question on myself in what is my priority of service at this time. We have to sometimes put a pause on those mundane tasks we feel are important as there are greater valleys of the shadow that are beckoning us to explore. If we don't enter the depths, what will really change; how will we really grow? How can we evolve without that total surrender to a consciousness beyond the everyday grasp? Perceptual shift is sometimes only possible by entering unknown realms that break us away from the rut of programmed mentalities.
There is an erroneous notion that spirituality is solely about ascending into the upper worlds, the light, the transcendent. This is one aspect yet to bring an integral awareness it must be complemented with the depth, with going into the ground of being, entailing the witnessing of subconscious patternings held in place both personally and collectively. We have to peer into this chasm, despite the ugliness, to evolve; it is seeing the dark, through the eye of Providence, that liberates it and that allows us to synthesize the real and ideal instead of staying in polarized terrain.
The thing with the shadow world though is that we can't get too attached to its appearances, as not all is as it seems to be. It's a place of masks and disguises, continuously shifting in order so that we come into our mastery and discover the clarity, discerning the real from the illusory. Awakening is not just about opening up and embracing everything but also learning to say no sometimes, being aware of the incepted reality that exists within the divine one. All is Unity, yet there is a vast network of traps and tricks designed to pull us away from our own sovereign self, through the idea that we need an external authority to direct us how to focus our energy each day, rather than learning to be self-initiated through the Spiral structure, which I talk about in many previous posts.
We become most susceptible to this derailment when we fear the shadow in all forms and thus want controlled structures to live within, so that we don't have to face it. Even the concept of jobs and work is so manipulated to the point that we do not trust ourselves enough to try to disentangle from what is mostly a parasitic economic order and instead seek the security of steady "work," thus never having to confront the proper management of our own resources (time and energy) in apprehension of the dark and scary unknown possibilities...scarcity? Slipping through the cracks of society? Well...why can't we face it for the sake of our own freedom, as well as the freedom of this species? Each one who chooses a more liberated and empowered lifestyle is not just doing it for themselves but to create pathways that all can walk, so that all beings may realize their innate freedom.
Freedom and knowledge of Reality are inseparable. We must recognize to be free is to see all for what it is, without distortions or manipulations of the separate self. Freedom cannot occur where we stay in a partial viewpoint that may please our limited selves but that doesn't inspire us to get past those limitations and step into the Great Mystery.
It is also to let go of the idea that if our progress is not outwardly obvious to everyone, it's not real. This still feeds our need for fame and validation that is predicated on a false sense of self. The mystical chakana as well as the "Etznab" glyph in Mayan astrology are present at this time, with their staircase symbolism speaking to how great change does not always occur in the triumphant and upward seeming direction that we believe is most superior. The stairs can lead up, down, within, without, but the most important thing is that we're moving, or that we're being moved by Life.
Further exploration: Manly P. Hall "Maturity is the Grand Illusion", Paul Tillich "The Depth of Existence"
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