Sunday, June 16, 2019

Full Moon in Sagittarius - The Wise Child, Shamanism & Spiral Unfoldment

This full moon in the sign of Sagittarius, occurring at 25 degrees right next to the Galactic Center, is bringing lessons of becoming once more like divine children and fully trusting Creation. No one can be a “spiritual leader” without opening the heart and becoming like a child in the Garden of Life. This is because children naturally have a healthy relationship to power, where power comes through love of all life, of the Great Spirit who lives through all. One of the main conditionings in humanity is to fear power not just in its dark mode but also in its holiness and benevolence, for with great power comes great responsibility. People are resistant to the greatness of their I AM presence and the greatness that life can become when we affirm this identity. The playful and faithful child, on the other hand, knows her true position as a divine being who is part of a much larger tapestry of life and does not cower at opportunities for expansion that come her way. She is intelligent not through the information and concepts she has stored but through her fierce devotion and openness to wholly greet life in all it offers, light and dark, rather than trying to control outcomes or escape its calling. She is wise because she is eternally resting in her heart space and thus knows God, never lead astray through the seductions and drama of the unrestrained mind. 

It is time to claim our innate magic, the divine power of life that is our essence. Magic is based on will, and benevolent magic as opposed to black magic is that which is born when we unite our personal power with the great current, the Tao, putting ourselves at service to its unified vision. It is the magical child who in his simplicity and spontaneity can converge with all facets of life, because he does not see his identity in a structured way; his true beingness is the inner flame that is beyond language and fixed forms to convey.

With this galactic alignment now occurring, there is an upgrade occurring at the root portal, the connection between the jiva soul and the Earth, and the crown portal center,  the connection between the soul and the spiritual realms or cosmos. Many in the “new age” are too focused on the third eye, attempting to open this center in order to attain sight into the subtle or psychic realms. Yet without a healthy root and crown— which connect us to the authentic light and wisdom of the Mother and Father principle— the vision of the third eye chakra will not be eagle-eye but muddied by the dualistic programs of the fractured mind. When our crown and root are open, we may see all aspects of life, both the shadows and complexities, and the great web of light from which we originate. Without this broader perspective of the underlying benevolence of life, the dark web tries to trick us into believing that there is nothing else. Crowned, we transform from seekers into servers, representatives of the divine authority who are watering their inner seed of light. 


Right now there are many messages about embracing the shamanic path by devoting to Gaia and her evolution. It is a great time to fully immerse ourselves in the natural world and allow the encoded intelligence of her design to spark a new consciousness within us. When we are intimately connected to the planet, there occurs a co-creation that brings greater illumination than any one being alone could fulfill. Shamanism in its deeper sense means uniting our own form with the forms of Gaia through the one heart of life. At this time of a major paradigm shift, there is much turbulence and transformation occurring in the manifest world— but rather than resisting this, thus causing more stagnation, we must become the shamans of life, understanding the spiritual essence existing behind all temporal appearances. When we have a firm knowing of this, we may experience true freedom in our lives, to dance with life as she unfurls and unfolds her new crystalline template, without fearing loss. 

This is the meaning of shapeshifting, where we recognize the multitude of forms as seed potentials that are woven throughout the entire creation, that can be sparked within without losing our core spirit essence. This is the play of life and what allows us to be children of the divine, who flow with change rather than desperately try to cling onto the old and familiar forms as a way to feel in control.

The core is the heart center and it is from here we may co-create with life in a pure way, free of attachment and expectation. We have to allow life to grow through us, rather than try to command it in the shape we prefer. We have to trust Pachamama, our Mother, to hold us, to breathe through us. Otherwise we are always trying to escape into some subtle realm where we dissociate from the living reality. It is the highest purpose to be guardians for the planetary sphere undergoing major evolution. It is here and now, not up and out, where the show is going down. 

The life force of the planet has been rising— and now it is speeding up more and more. Where will be at this time of new birth? Attempting to conform to a system that is dying? Resisting and holding onto the old? Or fully dropping the masks and opening our hearts to the unknown, allowing ourselves to be synchronized to the cosmic rhythm, to Pachamama's heartbeat?

In this way we are not solely ascending nor descending, but uniting the two processes through the spiral movement. The spiral is entwined through all (as represented by Phi) and is what continually calls us back to our center throughout cycles of expansion and contraction, birth and death. 

To align with this cosmic dance, we do not need to fit into some mold of what a “spiritual” person is like. Conformity can never bring us closer to Spirit, for Spirit is the creator of life in all its diversity. We must connect to our core and our origin to become Original beings who carry a completely unique spark. In that way we can also come together harmoniously in relationships, for we embrace the sovereign individuality of both ourselves and the other, which allows for the creation of the third element, new life. Humanity will only thrive when we can understand diversity within oneness.

The passion for life is requisite for tapping into the higher trajectory of Earth, for it is our inner fire that burns away complacency and stagnancy that is blocking the reclamation of our power. We cannot discover our unique identity and mission here without enthusiasm, optimism and joy for living it-- as it is through happiness that we start remembering our true essence beyond the packaged personality we have slipped on in order to play it safe. 

Creation does not occur in a predictable or linear manner. Creation is the Great Spiral. Immersed in its movement, it can feel intense, even chaotic. But as long as we are attuned to its center point, our sense of I AM, we may ride its unfoldment and appreciate the messy beauty of organic evolution. This is feminine wisdom. The Universal Mother has been suppressed for millennia under the tyrannical rule of the false masculine, but the time is now to reawaken to her love and come back into our innate wholeness as children of the Divine Father and Mother’s continuous union. 

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