Darkness is being unveiled, leading to many radical shifts and shake-ups, especially now that Uranus has stationed retrograde. With Jupiter direct, however, this time can lead to much expansion and positive change if we are aware and are doing our spiritual practices to constantly align with the Earth core and Galactic Sun. That way we are anchored in the organic template instead of the “net” that is now disintegrating, as discussed in many of my previous messages.
Our benevolent guides and guardians are with us on this journey, not doing the work for us, but bringing encouragement and the protection of the sacred space when we request so. We have to ask for it, we have to see guidance in terms of lightheartedness and empowerment, rather than desperation. And we must believe in it with all of our being.
We may have felt the sense of pessimism lately or that any revolutionary change we try to bring about— either micro or macrocosmically— ends up failing due to the degree of opposition from the dark. Sure, this includes the “cabal” forces and their agenda of controlling organic life— but it is also the darkness living within us through our old conditionings that are so hard to break and rewire. This is a beautiful moment to shatter these patterns and liberate ourselves, honoring freedom as the basis for life.
An Aquarius full moon brings renewed optimism in the potential of deep transformation and its actuality when we take the leap into the unknown, that of fully trusting ourselves and life. Divine confidence in the power of life and its goodness is the strongest immunity against all mishaps and distortions. Believe in the seed of light that lives within and act like it is so, for no one else is here to save you or tell you that you are good. Know that there are other frequencies available other than the artificial and boring paradigm that the dark tries to construct around us. Magic is real and it lives inside you. There is nothing supernatural about this; it is a matter of perception and willingness to see beyond the stories we once believed. This new clarity is coming in a way not felt before if we are open to living in the New versus the familiar yet stale and stagnant past.
Acknowledge your health and vitality, for even if we experience illness of some sort, the confidence in our power to heal contributes most prominently to our recovery. Practices of reiki, prayer and dance can be helpful to affirm the body and its fluidity to surmount any physical challenge or danger. It’s not the same as false positivity but rather reaching into the depths of our soul, our center, and thinking, feeling and knowing that we are powerful and that Life is supporting us to thrive. The struggles of the past aren’t a reason that we can’t do something now; actually it is adverse experiences that have firmed us to withstand the ups and downs of this world and continue shining for others to be uplifted as well; this is our diamond core. And though we are strong and firm in our confidence, we must be careful not to confuse this with a hardened quality, where we are closed off to life and see sensitivity as a weakness rather than as a greater capacity to be present and understand Truth.
At this time the warrior aspect can be emphasized, as in discovering the inner power which can help one face darkness and heaviness without fear. The warrior has courage because he knows that his essence is permanent and that changes of the world can never take away his heart of love. Part of being a spiritual warrior is also building a healthy set of responses to the negative rather than allowing it into our sacred space, OR becoming overly defensive. That is one risk with the warrior archetype: that we do not become too overzealous or hard in our approach, mistaking vengeance for justice. A warrior of love honors his softness and has healed old wounds of the heart to become trusting of Life again. By embracing our place in the web of Creation, fears of death, sickness, betrayal, etc—based on past toxic patternings that must be rewritten— are seen for the illusion that they are. Our diamond heart is always there and in true realization of this, we cannot use it as a weapon nor a hard shell of defense but only to serve others, to serve All Life.
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