Thursday, August 29, 2019

🌑 Virgo Season Spirit transmission 🌑

This Virgo Season so far I repeatedly am receiving the message to slow down and truly question on myself in what is my priority of service at this time. We have to sometimes put a pause on those mundane tasks we feel are important as there are greater valleys of the shadow that are beckoning us to explore. If we don't enter the depths, what will really change; how will we really grow? How can we evolve without that total surrender to a consciousness beyond the everyday grasp? Perceptual shift is sometimes only possible by entering unknown realms that break us away from the rut of programmed mentalities.

There is an erroneous notion that spirituality is solely about ascending into the upper worlds, the light, the transcendent. This is one aspect yet to bring an integral awareness it must be complemented with the depth, with going into the ground of being, entailing the witnessing of subconscious patternings held in place both personally and collectively. We have to peer into this chasm, despite the ugliness, to evolve; it is seeing the dark, through the eye of Providence, that liberates it and that allows us to synthesize the real and ideal instead of staying in polarized terrain.

The thing with the shadow world though is that we can't get too attached to its appearances, as not all is as it seems to be. It's a place of masks and disguises, continuously shifting in order so that we come into our mastery and discover the clarity, discerning the real from the illusory. Awakening is not just about opening up and embracing everything but also learning to say no sometimes, being aware of the incepted reality that exists within the divine one. All is Unity, yet there is a vast network of traps and tricks designed to pull us away from our own sovereign self, through the idea that we need an external authority to direct us how to focus our energy each day, rather than learning to be self-initiated through the Spiral structure, which I talk about in many previous posts.

We become most susceptible to this derailment when we fear the shadow in all forms and thus want controlled structures to live within, so that we don't have to face it. Even the concept of jobs and work is so manipulated to the point that we do not trust ourselves enough to try to disentangle from what is mostly a parasitic economic order and instead seek the security of steady "work," thus never having to confront the proper management of our own resources (time and energy) in apprehension of the dark and scary unknown possibilities...scarcity? Slipping through the cracks of society? Well...why can't we face it for the sake of our own freedom, as well as the freedom of this species? Each one who chooses a more liberated and empowered lifestyle is not just doing it for themselves but to create pathways that all can walk, so that all beings may realize their innate freedom.

Freedom and knowledge of Reality are inseparable. We must recognize to be free is to see all for what it is, without distortions or manipulations of the separate self. Freedom cannot occur where we stay in a partial viewpoint that may please our limited selves but that doesn't inspire us to get past those limitations and step into the Great Mystery.

It is also to let go of the idea that if our progress is not outwardly obvious to everyone, it's not real. This still feeds our need for fame and validation that is predicated on a false sense of self. The mystical chakana as well as the "Etznab" glyph in Mayan astrology are present at this time, with their staircase symbolism speaking to how great change does not always occur in the triumphant and upward seeming direction that we believe is most superior. The stairs can lead up, down, within, without, but the most important thing is that we're moving, or that we're being moved by Life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Diamond Heart of the Revolutionary - Full Moon in Aquarius

Darkness is being unveiled, leading to many radical shifts and shake-ups, especially now that Uranus has stationed retrograde. With Jupiter direct, however, this time can lead to much expansion and positive change if we are aware and are doing our spiritual practices to constantly align with the Earth core and Galactic Sun. That way we are anchored in the organic template instead of the “net” that is now disintegrating, as discussed in many of my previous messages. 
Our benevolent guides and guardians are with us on this journey, not doing the work for us, but bringing encouragement and the protection of the sacred space when we request so. We have to ask for it, we have to see guidance in terms of lightheartedness and empowerment, rather than desperation. And we must believe in it with all of our being. 

We may have felt the sense of pessimism lately or that any revolutionary change we try to bring about— either micro or macrocosmically— ends up failing due to the degree of opposition from the dark. Sure, this includes the “cabal” forces and their agenda of controlling organic life— but it is also the darkness living within us through our old conditionings that are so hard to break and rewire. This is a beautiful moment to shatter these patterns and liberate ourselves, honoring freedom as the basis for life. 

An Aquarius full moon brings renewed optimism in the potential of deep transformation and its actuality when we take the leap into the unknown, that of fully trusting ourselves and life. Divine confidence in the power of life and its goodness is the strongest immunity against all mishaps and distortions. Believe in the seed of light that lives within and act like it is so, for no one else is here to save you or tell you that you are good. Know that there are other frequencies available other than the artificial and boring paradigm that the dark tries to construct around us. Magic is real and it lives inside you. There is nothing supernatural about this; it is a matter of perception and willingness to see beyond the stories we once believed. This new clarity is coming in a way not felt before if we are open to living in the New versus the familiar yet stale and stagnant past. 

Acknowledge your health and vitality, for even if we experience illness of some sort, the confidence in our power to heal contributes most prominently to our recovery. Practices of reiki, prayer and dance can be helpful to affirm the body and its fluidity to surmount any physical challenge or danger. It’s not the same as false positivity but rather reaching into the depths of our soul, our center, and thinking, feeling and knowing that we are powerful and that Life is supporting us to thrive. The struggles of the past aren’t a reason that we can’t do something now; actually it is adverse experiences that have firmed us to withstand the ups and downs of this world and continue shining for others to be uplifted as well; this is our diamond core. And though we are strong and firm in our confidence, we must be careful not to confuse this with a hardened quality, where we are closed off to life and see sensitivity as a weakness rather than as a greater capacity to be present and understand Truth. 

At this time the warrior aspect can be emphasized, as in discovering the inner power which can help one face darkness and heaviness without fear. The warrior has courage because he knows that his essence is permanent and that changes of the world can never take away his heart of love. Part of being a spiritual warrior is also building a healthy set of responses to the negative rather than allowing it into our sacred space, OR becoming overly defensive. That is one risk with the warrior archetype: that we do not become too overzealous or hard in our approach, mistaking vengeance for justice. A warrior of love honors his softness and has healed old wounds of the heart to become trusting of Life again. By embracing our place in the web of Creation, fears of death, sickness, betrayal, etc—based on past toxic patternings that must be rewritten— are seen for the illusion that they are. Our diamond heart is always there and in true realization of this, we cannot use it as a weapon nor a hard shell of defense but only to serve others, to serve All Life. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

8-8 Lion's Gate Sirius Alignment Message

The Lion’s gate portal brings themes of self-sovereignty, independence, and the opportunity for self-inquiry to ask: what does it mean to be free? A key sacred form that expresses the principle of freedom is the spiral; when we integrate this structure, we are always flowing in expansion from a basis in the center point, the heart resonance, home, our core sense of “I AM.” Conversely, humanity has been deeply programmed to exist in a repetitive circular motion of again and again creating the same dramas instead of expanding into the next octave. Lacking the central identity of eternal being— the point which anchors through change— we wander aimlessly, forgetting our mission beyond the time matrix. Without this stability of the soul, we never truly come into wholeness and instead seek to replicate old patterns and stories, in order to heal the core wound of fragmentation, betrayal, and unconsciousness. This dynamic is evident in both our personal sphere and the life of the collective, where the dark forces are encouraging people to persistently play out the same distorted archetypes that their ancestors were caught in, to never recover from the pain and trauma of things like colonization, enslavement, rape, genocide. In the false sense of justice, we try to balance out the suffering we or those of our lineage experienced by perpetuating the same violence over and over, round and round— via acts of revenge or merely by refusing to let go of the disempowering emotions that tell us we are the victims. That is how we stay in the loop of samsara. Enlightened transformation is called for, and this will only occur when we return to our heart intelligence that informs us of our real identity outside of the roles we have been cast into in this lifetime, and throughout all space and time. Connected to the unique resonance of our being, we may write the new story, the one whose conclusion is not fixed nor predetermined, but is in a continual process of being told, through us, by us, for us. We create in tandem with life, not to see the fruition of personal ego fantasies but to participate in the divine unfoldment of Creation based on love, humility, and the pure desire to see life and all beings thrive. When we do the work to liberate ourselves from narratives of subjugation that keep us in the cycle of suffering, we contribute to the freedom of All, for we are an interconnected whole meant to evolve together, as diversity within oneness. Victimization keeps us separate, in our self-absorbed bubble; self-empowerment frees us to join the spiral dance of Creation.


Currently loving: The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow, The Return of Spirit oracle deck by Cheryl Lee Harnish,  and listening to :

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Happy August & New Moon in Leo - Creation vs. Conformity 🌈

For this month I felt to post an essay I already wrote as it aligns well with the guidance i was receiving. I am taking it easy. Check out the card spread for this month and enjoy Leo season 💕


There has been a confusion amongst those who desire a deep change in society and self, and that is the idea that a negative force must be endlessly opposed and controlled through criticism in order for positive transformation to occur. This enacts a certain dialectic of action/reaction which ultimately serves the established order, as it gives focus to that which is oppressive, thus lending it power completely. History is largely composed of various movements that react against the prevailing system, functioning in a dualistic unfoldment as described by G.W. Hegel in his lectures on aesthetics. 

There is no evolution of humanity without creation of new circumstances based on connection with the Divine and Eternal. This is the real purpose of art— not as decoration or amusement but as the vital conduit for bringing spirit into matter, or ideas into manifestation. Creativity takes us out of the old dialectics by aligning us with the spiritual plane of existence, thereby recharging the earthly world with new inspiration and intelligent awareness. This is the aspect of the Trinity, as represented by the triangle, where two opposites are brought together by a higher vision of life and given the space to relate, interact and birth something new. 

We can see this dynamic through the lens of art history, which is most often taught through a dialectic structure, where, for instance, the Neo-Expressionists and their charged emotional subject matter are said to be in reaction to the cold, intellectual formalism of the Modernist painter. To create on the basis of constantly needing to respond to history deprives human expression of the transcendental dimension that makes art a valuable part of society. New ideas do not come from the past but from a place beyond time altogether. 

In politics such creative vision means advocating for bold changes, based on strong ideals— such as equality and justice— even despite the current state of affairs, where the two ruling parties are bent on implementing incremental changes as to preserve the status quo. We cannot let the “powers that be” and their beliefs define the debate; as Noam Chomsky pointed out, free thinking is stifled when the parameters of the discussion are established from the start. 

The metaphysical principles are what must guide our societal systems. And this means seeing the bigger picture. Creative thinking entails daring to envision something larger than that which has been deemed acceptable by the narrow viewpoint of the prevailing order. Here lies the difference between conformity of fallen Man and creativity of perennial Spirit.

There is now a huge effort by corporate media and forces of control to conform people into seeing life in a certain way. It may seem like there are various philosophies and ideologies from which one can choose to follow— scientific materialism, orthodox religions, New Age spiritualism— yet oddly enough, many of these seemingly diverse belief systems advocate a similar attitude towards oneself and life: that of false being, where power and hope is placed outside of oneself and the Spirit of life, and instead placed on political leaders, or an authoritative image of God, or in UFOs soon to descend and save humanity. This is in order to keep the individual perpetually in a disempowered state. Seeking saviors from the outside to dispense meaning, people stay in a fragmented awareness where they do not totally claim their inherent free will choice and ability to create, in tandem with other empowered beings, the world they wish to live in, instead always dreaming for a better world tomorrow. 

This is the underlying impetus for conformity: to dull the human spirit and its spark of creativity and to make us believe we need to fit into the societal mold that already exists, quieting our soul’s desires to be absorbed by the will of the artificial system. Conforming is not just about dressing or talking in some regimented manner; it’s more subtly the way people are discouraged from critical thinking and connecting to the reservoir of wisdom accessible through their own heart and their openness to nature. It is to perpetuate the dialectic structure where one’s energy is always funneled into reactionary debate rather than original, creative solutions. 

In its deepest sense, conformity discourages the relationship with the Natural web of life, the Great Mother, as it is through connecting with this intelligent weaving that we become aware of our own unique being as children of the Divine, rather than as cogs in the machine. We are given boxes or templates of acceptable behavior that come from arbitrary social norms meant to control people. We do not need to look to social structures and so-called authorities for advice on how to be, for each individual already contains the answers and wisdom within them, through the divine structure that is the human body and our DNA. And by connecting to other natural beings— the Sun, water, healthy sustenance, beautiful nature spots— we unlock and activate this dormant code inside of us. The greatest artistic inspiration is born from communion with the living, breathing world around us. 

Take a look at the natural world and you will see that there is so much diversity of life, and that each species plays a vital role in the grand design. Earth Mother is the great Creatrix who does not make any two beings the same. This magnificent source of creativity is also what makes us original and inventive individuals. But we have to actively attain and maintain this identity. For if we survey mainstream expressions of all types— journalism, music, art, fashion, film— one will notice how there is very little originality. Most want to replicate and make sequels of the formulaic structures, infinitely repeating the old tropes and archetypes that are continuously reignited in order to keep people in the same mental-emotional loops of disempowerment. Yet this is also changing more and more now as social media allows more creators to share their work freely and easily, as well as there being a dwindling interest in the output of corporate media. 

Being a revolutionary is all about being a creator, not a copycat. It is about embracing our divine individuality and expressing ourselves truthfully and powerfully. When we do this, we reweave ourselves into the great pattern of Life, which is an ever-unfolding mosaic of light and shadow. 

And when we understand this, we recognize the danger of artificial intelligence. Those who are behind the AI agenda want to mimic Nature. AI, cut off from organic intelligence, vies to create humans who are robots or clones that do not question the system or use their innate creativity to bring about a better society. Ultimately, the artificial intelligence grid is trying to deny the Divine Mother rather than participating in Her Reality, for participating entails making one’s own personal will at service to the Great Will, and that requires opening the heart, facing one’s shadow, and giving up the false ego self intent on having illusory power over others, over nature. 

It is not just some evil “cabal” who fights for control but the force of darkness working through any being who has not learned to tame it through love, alchemizing their inner light and shadow. So in response to the deceit and destruction that is now taking place, the best thing we can do is not to fight it, but to recognize our wholeness of Being and start to create. And this is the sense of “becoming the artists of our own lives.”

And here is what I wrote for the Mayan New Year :

This cycle we have seen the importance of fully embracing and anchoring the feminine wisdom of Nature by shedding all notions of identity that locked us into a false reality of the matrix, the hall of mirrors which perpetually keeps us seeking after something in order to be good, powerful, or even more “spiritual.” As a result, we have been plunged into our own inner voids, a dark space of not fully knowing what is the next step, what the hell is happening on Earth, and who we are in the true sense. But through the dark space of the unknown, we are returned to our core self and reborn into a more expanded sense of self. We have willingly given up the blissful vision of the mountain and walked through the valley; it is a “sacrifice” made for greater wisdom, the darkness that paradoxically allows one to know real light. And greater wisdom also means greater Love for our Divine Mother, who holds us throughout this process, even when it seems like we are totally alone. We have been pushed out of the mind and its programmings, evaluating how belief systems literally project our experience, both personally and as a collective. These belief systems are disintegrating as we get more into the body, the present moment as lived through Gaia’s structures, which teach us organically about who we are, beyond what any ideology could provide. It is the Logos of the great divine order which guides us to our own identity in the microcosm of the self. And from here we are qualified to participate in creating the new Earth reality, because we have risen above all tendencies to want to control or project our lower desires onto nature. Structures break down and illusions crumble so that we start connecting to our original essence again, as well as the essence of all life. In this direct knowing of the essence, we are rooted, empowered and unattached to the ongoing chaos in the world. It doesn’t mean we don’t care, however, but that we have realized the compassionate approach is through reconnecting and pouring our energy into the living templates rather than feeding into the artificial matrix, which is just a mirage anyway. Judgement of ourselves or anything else does not serve; it is through clarity and purity of heart by which all soul beings may come Home. In Lak’ech - I am another yourself 🌀

July Eclipse Season Spirit Message :: Shamanic Magic Threading Beads of Grace 🌪🐋

Our own liberation is the medicine for all, and when we claim it and stop fearing our creative power, we help to dissolve timelines of f...