Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring Equinox and Full Moon in Libra

The New Year

The Equinox marks the passage from Pisces, the watery dissolution, into Aries, the fiery starting point of the new year. In this sense, it is a potent time for releasing anything into the primordial waters of life to be reintegrated into the whole while finding the new spark of inspiration for this next cycle. The Full Moon occurs in 0 degrees of Libra, so this is also another initiation point, a time of contemplation in regards to how we balance our energies and harmonize our inner masculine and feminine; the level of sacred union that we have embodied. 

The period of Mercury retrograde and this Libra moon help us to realize that aligning our minds with the Universal Mind, as represented by Thoth, (or divine thought), is the only way to bring harmony in ourselves. This is the Great Mind that guides and gives a focus to the feminine aspect of ourselves (feeling and being in the present moment). The Law, the order of reality— emblematized through the archetype of Justice or Libra’s scales of balance—already is present in every atom of creation, and through the 7 Hermetic principles that guide life. 

So it is up to us whether we allow ourselves to flow within that divine structure or if we try to go off in a direction that breaks from the whole. Breaking off to serve the ego self is the basis of karma, or action and reaction, which means acting out of accordance with the Original Cause, leading to ensnarement in an artificial reality. 

The Reemergence of the True Masculine

Our masculine fire nature, the royal power we contain (which was initiated by the Leo full moon earlier this year), must be properly channeled for the purpose of service. Too much light (or knowledge) used without loving awareness will obstruct the vision— but if approached with respect, the light can open us to new perceptions of life we could have never imagined even just months before. It is the difference of the fire which burns us out and the Sacred Fire that transmutes us into the gold lion. The presence of love is what guides us to use the light responsibly. 

Libra is all about relationships, and it is always to invoke the sacred trinity in our relations, in the sense of the inclusive, the Spirit which unites and allows the couple to interact in a harmonious way rather than in violence or false merging of beings. And it is harmony which allows for the “internal quietude” that opens the eyes of the soul. It is through our relationships that we can most naturally serve the internal light. Neither fire nor water should rule but should be brought together, in balance, as represented in the phrase that the “lion will lie down with the lamb.” Without this union, subtle conflicts are perpetuated through the false masculine-feminine dynamic, and that violence is what manifests on the collective levels as war. 

The need to control—or, on the other end of the spectrum, lack of willpower— express to us that our inner masculine is perhaps not in healthy relation with the feminine. The masculine is here to initiate, to bring the vertical sword of truth and act with equal parts confidence and compassion. The inner masculine is at service to the feminine, the purity of being, and never tries to dominate her or endlessly assert himself to earn some badge of greatness. The meaning of true masculine has been incredibly distorted on this planet, as evident from the ruling patriarchal society, where even so-called feminism is more about turning women into ambition-thirsty and aggressive men than honoring the sacred feminine in them. The masculine is taught that strength is false power over others rather than the power of love to safeguard the truth and respect the delicate weaving of life on planet Earth.

Uniting Polarities 

It is the attitude of violence to always want to fix or convert the other, believing you are right and they are wrong— even in the most subtle relationship dynamics. We do not have to slay the dragon of the other but to understand it, seeing how our interaction with it can give rise to a third energy. In this way we become productive and creative rather than endlessly reactive, which is based on ego identity rather than the neutral sword of truth. Real light will always provide the space for polarities to meet and intertwine, birthing something new in the process.

This distortion of the "other" is illustrated through the allegory of Adam and Eve and how their “temptation,” the serpent, has been demonized to seem like the face of Satan. Really, the snake is symbolizing the earthly polarity; that which is animated by "kundalini" or life force. Of course the serpent power is frequently misused and exploited whenever not connected to divine intelligence— but to deny this earth power, the sexual life force, is to perpetuate the internal division that prevents us from realizing our full being, living instead in the duality of "good and evil." And that is how we "fall."

Self-mastery means uniting Sky and Earth. The “star-seeded” ones may have remembrances of their existence in the more celestial realms, but when it comes to earthly living, they feel inadequate and struggle to fully ground their energy on the planet, subtly holding judgement over that which is elemental, physical, or dark. Consequently, many want to remain in their heavenly bubbles, blocking themselves from fulfilling their true mission, which requires embodiment and life force mastery. 

The Sacred Body

The body as a vessel for the life force of spirit is the most divine representation of spiritual truth and our vehicle for awakening in this sphere, as reflected in the Bible statement that we are made in the image of God. This means that each of our bodily systems has a precise and sacred function that as a microcosm (as in the Hermetic principle of correspondence) reflects the structure of the  macrocosm. Thus understanding one’s own body is the key to understanding God. This is a deep spiritual topic that is written about by scholars like Manly P. Hall, who has drawn analogies between the story of Christ’s resurrection and the awakening of consciousness through raising life force up the spine. 

And yet there is so much desecration of the sacred body in the ignorance of who we are, wishing to transcend our physicality, when it is physicality that is the key. By treating the body with care and using proper methods of life force cultivation, we can naturally come into illumination; true knowledge. But forcing ourselves to be in the “light” through imposed mental attitudes, without integrating the shadow, goes against our own nature as beings of polarity and leads to false knowledge, otherwise known as illusion.  

Celebrate the presence of the Light and serve it through letting it flow within your physical form. And then be ready to see with the eyes of Spirit— not judging the vision, but witnessing neutrally so that through the heart, the darkness may be met with light and alchemized into the New Creation. 

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