Friday, July 19, 2019

The Structure which Liberates - Full Moon & Eclipse in Capricorn

Mystery lives thru
Layout using Magdalen Oracle & Vision Quest Tarot

Humans require structures to live fully. Structure is in the way we arrange our living space, in how we approach the hours each day, in the fabric of human biology; the DNA helix that tells the story of life through us. Every ancient tradition has its own structures that relate a certain truth through symbolic means. Through the constructions of a culture, we begin to understand their perspective towards life. The Peruvian Andes (where I now reside) is most known for the Incan empire and their fantastic archaeological feats such as Machu Picchu, which were a tribute to divine presence and built in such a way to enhance and complement the natural beauty of the land. Now, in modern times, Peruvians build dense houses of brick and concrete, uniformly ugly and lacking any harmonization with the Earth that supports it. 

The integrity of the structure denigrates as consciousness falls. The vitality of a being—reflected in the degree of sacred geometric forms contained within their physicality— is related to how much they are aligned with the natural templates of Sky and Earth, and whether they are nourished by the primal forces of life or merely their intellect and the products of it. Intelligent understanding of the natural order is what literally sustains life in Creation. Love is necessary for maintaining and expanding form. 

Structure is not at odds with soul freedom, but it becomes so when it is trapped within the matrix paradigm that appropriates forms and switches their true inner meaning, covering the essence. The cross is a perfect example of how a universal symbol, found in most indigenous traditions, has been twisted into a representation of pain and senseless sacrifice. By equating the cross and Christ’s mission with suffering, people justify and normalize emotional trauma rather than letting themselves heal through connecting with Nature, or the natural structures. 

Rather than serving as the key that unlocks the door to a more expanded consciousness, these degraded structures bind us to the limited vision of duality, where some are saints and some are sinners and we need to constantly fight for survival. We thus feel it justified to crucify what we perceive as evil— as if it were possible to fully destroy something, not recognizing the permanent essence that shifts and transmutes but never fully dies, as in ceases to be. 

The physical body structure can be killed, but the human possesses other types of subtle bodies and a core spirit essence that cannot. When one enters the matrix with the intent to liberate others through their higher vision and ideals, they cannot be stopped if what they bring comes from Truth. The body can go, but their message, which is more deeply their essence, makes its impact forever in the minds and hearts of the collective. This is the deeper knowing of structure as consciousness beyond third-dimensional appearance; the nature of being in its multidimensionality. In awareness of this, we are immune from becoming manipulated into games of war and peace, of duality, for we see all with neutral observation not tinged by intellectual or emotional distortion. 

Merkabah gridwork activation

Connected to both the upper worlds of divine love and beauty, and the underworld of elemental forces and raw Earth power, we realize that there is a much vaster picture and benevolent guidance than that of the dominant belief systems which have directed this planet for millennia. We feel the truth as subtle, so refined and perfect that we stop seeking and simply start living this reality, no matter where we are. We become highly compassionate and when witnessing breaches of this divine truth, we have no desire to fight or crucify the other, but to extend the Grace so that all beings might understand their higher design. But never forcing anything, never preaching, because we deeply know that each being is their own sovereign and sacred structure that must evolve along its own unique trajectory, ordained by Life. 

Colonialism, war, and political conflicts all demonstrate the inversion of this principle, in the sense that a structure is imposed on the other under the guise of helping— yet in disrespect of the organic unfoldment of life through each individual. This is not change born of integrity but from control, which only leads to more violence, more division sown between people and their environment. This dynamic is what holds the matrix system together, because when each one is attuned to their own nature as the focal point of transformation, the web of outer nature will support us and shatter the illusion of the false web.

Lake Titicaca at sunset

Events and triggers will come that knock down the old structures that were limitations from living our true purpose. It is the gift that lets us discover the greater self who knows how to channel creativity in a way that is resonant with Earth and the natural weaving of life. This self is also activated in its stellar consciousness, meaning it is able to emanate light as a self-sustaining unit that evolves through the spiral movement. The spiralic consciousness is what allows limiting structures— including disease and conflicts— to transform, through alchemizing them into a new, more liberated structure reflecting the higher self monad. 

This is the senes of the resurrection of the Spirit, which happens continually when we dance with Creation instead of resisting and holding onto the familiar— for with that approach, we shall surely die. The fire of Spirit is not that which annihilates but morphs one into their next form through burning away the old layers of identity. The water is what blesses and renews us to start from a crystal clear outlook of divine love. With the meeting of fire and water, we are reconfigured beyond what the intellect could ever produce, and are reborn into a new structure, as an expansion of the Essence eternally shining through. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

JULY SPIRIT MESSAGE - growing our tree of light 🌱

The cards as well as the astrology/numerology of this month are emphasizing potent beginnings. July this year comes out to a 10/1 month, which denotes the culmination of a cycle and the birth of a new one. It corresponds to the Magician, Wheel of Fortune, and Sun cards of the Major Arcana which all speak to the turning of a chapter and renewal of life force. 10 is also the energy of 1— the spark for new creation— paired with 0— the zero point, the womb for creation. Truly I feel Spirit is saying that there is a huge opportunity to start fresh when we empty ourselves out and become receptive to the Light showering upon us. In July we also have the Mayan New Year and the opening of the Sirian Gateway, which always portend a wave of galactic inspiration. 

We are being impulsed after the Solstice from the great Galactic Sun (Hunab Ku) with new intelligence and inspiration of a divine order, after weeks of much energetic challenges and even stagnation. Patterns of thinking and seeing the world are on their last legs before major change erupts. Newness and transformation are deeply desired by most, even those strictly looking through a materialistic lens— yet it must be recognized where real change comes from. Not our minds, not the intellect which runs off division. Not the supposed authorities of the existent systems. It comes from the natural order and intelligent light that flows through all organic life. All solutions, all motivations to make new steps in our lives, must come from this direct impulsing of Life if it is to create deep and lasting changes, and if we want to uncover our real spiritual essence rather than just trade one label or mask for another.

This light flows like an ethereal waterfall, entering our crown and root portals when we have made ourselves receptive and have cleared all lower programs from our physical, mental and emotional bodies. By tending to our inner garden— the Shakti life force that animates our vessel— we simultaneously become attuned to Shiva, the masculine principle of lightning-like intelligence, who meets Shakti and births within us the divine child, the integral being balanced in their masculine and feminine expression. This dynamic is reflected also in this month’s eclipse, where solar and lunar powers come to a point of equanimity and recalibrate the polarity within us, particularly along the themes of the Cancer-Capricorn axis. 

The electricity will be turned up high this month, but the only way we may truly utilize its magnificence— instead of becoming burnt out by it— is if we are planting our roots in Gaia, becoming the tree of life where we give equal attention to our core and our crown, realizing it is not possible to ascend into the higher dimensions without having also sunk to the lowest ones. We need this stability in order to work with higher energies in a pure way. It is just as much the Earth Mother who nurtures and sustains us as Father Sky, for we are that crystallization of essence in form, the rainbow bridge! 

What gets in the way of the holy and natural connection and purpose we have as bridges between worlds is the artificial distortions of the mind that were imposed on humanity millennia ago, as far back as the Atlantean era. Through the cycles of yugas, humanity slowly lost touch with the spiritual realm and instead strengthened the intellect. That intellect was programmed in a dualistic template where there is a fundamental division between Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter, divine beings and humans. Man forgot his true origins, his Star light, and closed himself off to receiving even the slightest impressions from the mystic reality. His mind became a weapon of domination over material resources, rather than understanding the material as living consciousness of his own feminine nature. 

The mind should be the Mighty Sword, discerning the truth through one’s own connection to organic intelligence and the power of Light. It is the translator that interprets energies and constructs reality in resonance with expanded Light. The mind needs the heart to ensure that what is created is in alignment with Cosmic Love, the great pulse of the Universe. The mind without the heart becomes dangerous, using its sword-like precision to divide and fragment one’s life until he starts distrusting the core essence of being, of his I AM presence, and of the eternal love that is his home. 

Humans have mental, rational faculties— unlike animals— for a purpose. The mind is what gives us free will ability to not merely ride along the currents of life, harmonizing with Creation, but also to master polarity and make sovereign choices, even those which are not in alignment with the Great Will. By going against the divine nature, we ultimately come to a vaster wisdom of life, a synthesized vision wherein experiences both on the positive and negative spectrum allow us a full understanding of what it means to be human, what it means to choose faith and love even when our mind desperately tells us to not to. In that way, the faith deepens. And through the range of experience, we are moved closer to our own core, the point of Home where we know love throughout the ebb and flow of birth and death. 

From the infected mind is where derives a great portion of past Earth belief systems; cults and religions. These systems come from a place of having discovered certain truths— but rather than letting those truths deepen and expand through time— as is natural in the Spiral nature of Creation— we lock onto them, making them into a structure that eventually becomes an idol for worship, rather than seeing how the structure is merely pointing to a larger truth that cannot be contained in a static way through the flowing waters of time. Time belongs to the Earthly world, which is another reason that it is resisted and demonized by those faulty dogmas which wish to return to some untainted, eternal, and unchanging realm of perfection, rather than seeing the essence of perfection that lives through form and its movement. 

Time no longer has to be a burden, chaining us to repetitive dramas and disempowering archetypes of victim/victimizer, re-hashing the stale old mental-emotional loops. Time is meant in its higher octave as the pulse of Creation, the movement that allows beings to dance together as part of one whole, like a continually transforming and expanding mandala. The passage of time in this paradigm does not mean “aging” or losing consciousness but actually the refinement and enrichment of Spirit essence, as we come to remember the greater meaning of life. In this way, we may connect to collective consciousnesses that may be “far away” in linear time but that resonate with us in the Now moment, for they bring a greater sense of life that lets us also step into our own expanded identity and mission.

We are encouraged to further discover galactic material and history, not to fill our minds, but to cultivate a better understanding of the archetypal dramas playing out, maintaining our centering throughout this and focusing on the larger cosmic picture within which we wish to integrate. For example, Mayan cosmology (as well as others) provides a grand mapping of time and space rather than just beliefs (like religions), fusing spirituality and science. Their authentic vision of life does not require blind allegiance or a sort of idolatry where you worship or “love” something you don’t even truly understand. Because we must know what life is in order to also feel its deeper essence and develop a sense of unconditional love.

We are leaders in this new paradigm by infusing light in our communication and expression; a light that beckons others to also remember their center. Leaders are not necessarily those who have many followers or constant streams of information to impart— but simply those who can express in a pure and inspiring way the truths that have long been hidden. Whose embodiment serves to anchor the new consciousness within Gaia’s expanding template, always first respecting the Mother’s womb which holds space for this evolution to occur. The eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, as well as the New Moon and Full Moon, underscores this point of making our sacred space first in the light encoded structures of nature rather than creating it artificially through the mind or belief.

Through the appearance of the Christ— in form and through the heart of each being— we have the opportunity as a collective to reawaken our remembrance and connection to our Origin, the spiritual world. The Christ is the Holy Spirit spark that animates matter and lets it become aware of itself beyond and within form. This is the grace that lives on through each one choosing to be a representative of virtue, of love over control, and who sees the greater arc of life at this time as expansion of grace and reclaiming the unity of the human family as guardians of the Earth. 


I feel called at the moment of this great shift to also not become too steeped in mental activity but to go back to the basics and really develop my own Tree of Life in the body through life force practices such as solar yoga, art, being in nature, and sound attunements. I hope you find your own sense of clarity and peace in these beautiful and intense times! 

July Eclipse Season Spirit Message :: Shamanic Magic Threading Beads of Grace 🌪🐋

Our own liberation is the medicine for all, and when we claim it and stop fearing our creative power, we help to dissolve timelines of f...