Tuesday, April 30, 2019

May 2019 Message — The Christ Blueprint and Living Prayer

Shedding the skin
of what has been 
the glitter of light 
begins to shine 
bursting through the night 
it’s not what we think
but the wink of the one
who dwells out of sight 

Something is unfolding on Earth where the software of the fragmented mind, installed in the human race millennia ago, is becoming dismantled. The war on consciousness in this present age takes place primarily through the mind. No longer can we be burned or tortured for not conforming to the status quo, thus another strategy is needed. That of conquering the mind through making it weak, fractured, and fragile. Through physical contaminants, media manipulation, but larger than that, through fear itself, doubt in life, atheism, nihilism. This is why it is now so important to learn how to truly pray. 

Prayer flows through us when we learn to be honest, humble, integral and confident beings. Nothing genuine can come if we are still deciding between serving life in its divine light and clarity and feeding the doubtful mind that seeks to control its surroundings. 

Faith is a scientific reality. It is different than belief, which is blind mental allegiance. Faith is opening the heart to what is; the purity of our original being. To the perfection of life in cosmos and nature. It is observing life around us, such as looking at the stars and knowing that in their twinkle there is contained the hope of the world; light existing in darkness. Light that cannot be destroyed. Even if we have closed our eyes so to not see it. 

Stars are simply great beings who have come to a level of luminescent service where they have actualized the power of light and can give of it freely to the whole universe. They do not worry about having enough. Energy moves in and out freely, like the flow of infinity, when it is generated through love; that is the only “free energy” technology that we need. 

The old programs are trying to disrupt the flowering of the new consciousness through attacking people’s minds and encouraging rifts within groups. But this is a futile attempt when it comes to an illumined being. When you are illumined, the attacks cannot touch you. For illumination signifies the integration of light in form where there is no longer a struggle to maintain it; it is anchored fully and permanently through the body. Deception may only work on us when we still maintain shadow parts of ourselves than can be manipulated through fear. 

Real yogis are those who have brought consciousness, or kundalini, to the level of the heart or higher. That means they have sacrificed their ego self at the altar of love to be reborn into their true identity as children of God. Once you have truly been in love there is no going back. 

Many are now facing the breaking through of the last layers of mind and false ego, which requires real surrender to the unknown and putting down the weapons of needing to be right, secure, or above others. Definitions can be useful for some time, but they must be shed like snakeskin in order to embody more of our true soul nature. It is to align the mind with the universal Logos; the original blueprint of life in this quadrant of space-time. This logos was unveiled through Jeshua, or Jesus, who introduced to humanity the Christed aspect, which is the natural and direct connection between God and all beings, no false structures necessary. 

For those illumined ones, it will become more and more possible to feel and be the bridge between Heaven and Earth, and to become acquainted with the Light, not just as some impersonal force but as the conscious emanations from highly intelligent stellar beings who are overseeing the process of human evolution. And they too are evolving— because as one interconnected cosmic family, we all have a common trajectory through the spiral movement of consciousness.

It is now to step out of the self-imposed limitations and self-denigration and move on from that identity. The real identity is found through giving up all of what we think we should be, based on a partial perspective. The real identity is born from illumination of our true service and mission. So, no more playing it small. If there is inspiration that comes, it is to treat it as a sacred offering from God, and pursue it to the best of our ability; as a sort of divine assignment. Often we tell ourselves, no we are not ready for something, we are not good enough yet, putting it off for tomorrow. But the Star teaches us that inspiration is no coincidence, that rather it is a seed of a reality which we must nurture through devotion. In that way we serve Life as bridges between the ideal and manifest planes. 

Mystical prayer is not the same as an empty wish but is rather an active participation of affirming the ideal and making the space in our lives for it to take root. Prayer is the basis for any “lightwork” or “gridwork” as it means anchoring the ascended vision of life here and now, despite the multitude of other lower agendas that do co-exist on Earth at this time. 

It is not about manifesting from our minds that which we think the Earth should be like, or our personal desires, but more to ground the Logos, which means the architecture of consciousness already in place on the macrocosmic level. It is thus to acknowledge life as a divine, perfect, organic system that we do not need to fix but simply recalibrate by connecting cosmic and earthly realms through the Christ.  In awakening the Christ seed within our hearts, we open up communication between our microcosmic human world and the macrocosmic divine reality.  

That is why it is beneficial for example to study the ancient wisdom cosmologies like that of the Mayans or mystic Gnostics, because they introduce into our own understanding a larger framework of life, allowing us to healthily integrate ourselves into it, instead of struggling constantly to break out of the distorted template, which is a waste of energy. 

Our embodiment is a morphogenetic process, of alchemizing energy into form, inspiration into matter, as artists of our own lives. The mind is no longer an infected mechanism for trying to control and wield power over nature but instead becomes the intelligent conduit by which the living Logos may make itself known, and through which we may articulate our own prayers that reverberate across all space and time.

Say yes to Life
Is it magic or will
Or to quiet the strife
And keep the mind still
Directing the Light
For New Earth to be built
It is the birth right
Of each one to fulfill 


Friday, April 19, 2019


Here is a Full Moon message channeled using some beautiful oracles. 

We are breaking out of old mental patterns to weave a new story of life. Sacred marriage occurs when we have united our spirit and body temple, or template, without the programmed mind getting in the way. The mind should be the conduit of connection between the two, not the interference. Otherwise we may stay in the same old box of distorted archetypes and victimhood mentality. 

Nature hold the keys to our connection with God and thus with love. She awakens us to be more in the present moment, more anchored in an organic way of living, where we allow our old habits of ego to die and to be reborn in our innate purity. 

The days of linear, hierarchal initiation into spiritual life are through—to reenact this is empty and binds us to a dying world. 

A new passageway has been created. That of the intimate relation with God, our Source, and with our own soul. It is as simple as stargazing or sitting in the sunlight— for through nature the appropriate knowledge is transmitted to us, if we have made ourselves open, if we have crystallized our bodies as the temples of the Divine. The highest attainment is not knowledge, but love which will naturally bring knowledge. And love is not something to seek on the outside; it is implanted in our heart already, the treasure that cannot be taken away, the essence of who we are. 

Love will be remembered first through hieros gamos, which is the sacred marriage within— union of inner masculine and feminine. This is indicated also by the placement of this lunation in the sign of Libra, which denotes themes of partnership and divine union. 

It is not so much a process of seeking and adding something to ourselves but of letting go of that which is false and returning to our original integrated state. 

For too long spirituality has overemphasized form and structural understanding at the expense of the true substance, the love and bliss which animate and give meaning to the structure. The mental-emotional bodies have been accentuated and even manipulated at detriment to our spiritual and physical bodies. Without these aspects there is no complete being, for it is our eternal nature (Spirit) which guides our experience, and our body form which allows this presence to live here on Earth, to participate in Creation. 

Thus our mind and emotions must be “tamed” within this framework instead of being allowed to control the show. This is the importance of spending time in nature and immersing oneself in color, sacred geometry and sacred sound, for these are all emanations of Divine Love and Intelligence. These forms have the power to restructure our lower bodies, to realign us with the spiritual core of life. 

That is why the “powers that be” strive so intensely to program people through low-vibrational music, architecture, inverted symbology, archetypes, etc.— to keep us in a fragmented perceptual structure where we are blindly prostrating to a false reality, a false system, a false authority where we see God and “his” power as domination over material nature rather than the unfolding of natural law and order.

There is also a campaign to make people fear the dark, the Great Mystery (and subsequently the divine feminine) by portraying nature as something threatening. There is much fear pumped into the population through the topics of climate catastrophes or pandemic viruses. Or, in the “alternative thinking” communities, fear of conspiracies, parasitic entities, or even of the Moon itself, with some saying it is an artificial satellite solely used for occult ritual. All of these scare tactics are truly paying homage to the “Devil" through keeping people bound to what is apparently safe and known, based in a lack of confidence in God, Life, and oneself. 

For if we take a closer look we will see that the weather chaos and plagues, for instance, are not actually a result of the mysterious forces of nature but are man’s own doing, an imbalance created from the idea that we must have control over our environment. And then, thinking we have to control the imbalances we ourselves have created, we come up with dangerous artificial technology systems— like the 5G network, geoengineering, or GMOs— as some sort of “solution” to the issue. 

Real power, the authority that lives within, does not need to control the unknown by implementing artificial technologies. The only darkness it needs to (lovingly) tame is that of fear, of the unintegrated shadow. The Great Mystery can never be controlled, for life at its essence is mysterious and that is what makes it so beautiful and benevolent. 

The darkness that frightens us so much is that of our own forgetfulness, our own ignorance of who we are. We do not need to be scared of malevolent beings plotting against us— sure, they are there, but they only have power over us when we give it to them, through believing it to be possible for another to take away our sovereignty. But when we remember that Life is innately good, we realize that no shadow entity threatens a being who is living through benevolence and who has awakened their own inner life force. 

So it is to let our higher nature govern the monkey mind through love. Otherwise, it is plausible that negative forces can begin to work through us, and when this happens on the collective level, there manifests all the distortions and disempowerment that we now see around us today. That is why the inner work is the responsibility of each one, not just for personal happiness but for planetary peace. 

The organic awakening of consciousness is already here, so those forcing methods of mind control are merely trying to postpone that which is higher destiny for all beings. It is silly to fight against oneself, and that is what the “dark forces” are doing. So as pillars of light, we endorse compassion for all; compassion meaning the ability to truly see the other behind their veils, for the array of stories, dramas, and masks of unconsciousness are the only thing blocking the vision of New Earth. 

No more false hierarchies and no more notions that spirituality is solely climbing the ladder. No more false light. This is the era of the truth, of the Sacred Rose unfolding 🌹

Heart Centered Living by Pamela Kribbe

Decks used: Sacred Rose Tarot, Path of the Soul Destiny Cards, Sacred Geometry oracle cards

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Staying Centered in The Tao: On True Knowledge in the Age of False Belief Systems

Much of the confusion of the modern age is predicated on a faulty structure of consciousness: that of fragmentation rather than the synthesized vision of the truth. A lack of wisdom leads to a dualistic perspective of the world, where one is continually trying to seek good and elude evil as a form of self-preservation, not understanding the true eternal nature of the self that is beyond opinions, facts and emotions. 

One such false dialectic I have noticed lately playing out in the culture is that between the “new age” and the system critical attitude of so-called “social justice warriors.” The latter is often critiquing the former. And criticism perhaps should be directed at materialistic spirituality and all the hedonism it touts: retreats, endless “self-love,” doing juice cleanses, having gratitude for the things you own but never going the step further to ask how you can be of service to others. On the other end of the spectrum, the politically conscious warrior is disgusted by the emptiness of new age platitudes and instead declares herself to be a rationalist, dedicated to dismantling an oppressive system and discounting the magic and mystery of life as a fairy tale. 

I recently read an article by a woman who had been involved in a hedonistic new age circle. The piece detailed how she was renouncing her faith altogether after becoming disillusioned by the superficiality and what she termed “privilege” of its practitioners. There was some truth in what she wrote, such as the way that mainstream spirituality has made people all the more narcissistic and ungrounded and thus unable to realistically deal with the problems of humanity, staying perpetually in some false childhood without the maturity of the true adult.

Yet this writer had completely broken away from any spiritual quest in favor of playing a role in social justice movements. Everyone has their own path to walk, so it is never to judge, but merely to observe a dynamic of misunderstanding where one false identity fails and propels a person into retreating into another reactive identity, giving up on the true discovery of knowledge. This quest for the deeper spiritual mysteries of life is sometimes called gnosis, and is something quite distinct from what most know today to be spirituality. 

Gnosis is forsaken whenever one stays in a structure of reality as dictated by their unintegrated, partial viewpoint— rather than surrendering to the higher intelligence of life, to be guided into the mysterious truth. This superficiality is evident in the way new-agers believe themselves to be solely in the light, in that which feels good, without considering the full picture of the situation on Earth, such as the darkness and parasitism of the current political-economic order. And it is also apparent in the way the social justice warrior fails to see that there is light in all beings, and to have compassion for those who have fallen into the dark rather than cast them as malevolent oppressors. 

The rejection of gnosis is also on display in the huge trend (as seen on Youtube testimonial videos) of New Age practitioners having an unpleasant or frightening experience with the shadow and suddenly and radically taking up evangelical Christianity (or some other orthodox religion), and then declaring themselves as “saved” from the trickery of Satan, the forces of evil. 

This quick-switch of identity, from one extreme to another, indicates that the individual has not come to any balanced, synthesized understanding of life but is instead being swayed by the mind and the emotions of the lower self. It also shows a lack of maturity, as maturity means an individual has learned to manage the full spectrum of experiences, of both light and shadow, without becoming consumed by either. 

It is the nature of the lower mind to always go back and forth on an issue, not having the consciousness of synthesis that helps one remain centered in their heart rather than stuck in either side of the polarity, in unintegrated light or dark. Synthesized awareness is that of the trinity, meaning that one can see both sides of the issue and can bring the inclusive space where the polarity can interact through harmony rather than through conflict. 

She who is centered in the Tao can go where she wishes, without danger.
She perceives the universal harmony, even amid great pain, because she has found peace in her heart.” - Tao Te Ching

When we recognize we are involved in false practices, meaning anything which inflates the ego and closes us off to the true process of soul growth, it is not to then renounce ourselves and desperately seek out a counteracting measure, treating ourselves as the sinner needing salvation, whether it be through religion or political correctness. There are no saviors or external forces who can reacquaint us with the spark of our spirit, whether it be an idolized guru or an idealized social crusade. This is a leftover dynamic from the patriarchal religious orders which have imprinted the masses with the idea that we need something outside of ourselves— an authoritative God— to be whole and capable beings.

The search for salvation constitutes a self-negation, for rather than trying to have understanding and compassion for ourselves and our prior choices— even if those choices came from a place of egotism or pain— we instead take on the role of the domineering God (which is a false image projected by humans, not descended from the heavens) and try to balance the “problem” by veering to the other side of the duality. We do this without having comprehended the deeper desires of our soul that made us act unconsciously in the first place.

The true sense of balance comes from integration of polarity and a sense of confidence in our real being, as children of God, neither inflating (like the New Age does) or negating (like religion does) our divine essence. The balanced way allows our decisions to come from a place of grounded wisdom rather than erratic fear. 


The great philosopher Manly P. Hall speaks deeply on this issue in his Wisdom lecture series, where he discusses how human culture has devolved into completely valuing mundane information pertaining to the maintenance of the status quo over wisdom, which is knowledge of an eternal nature. 

Wisdom is not something that can be contained through scriptural doctrine or law books; it evolves just as the nature does. Wisdom is that which was fiercely guarded by the Ancients, as they knew that true knowledge is what guides one to evolve as a soul and contribute to the greatness of human life. Yet most institutions— schools, corporations, religions— are designed to preserve the established order and profit off of sentient life, without ever questioning who they are, where they are going, and for what purpose.

Confusion occurs whenever we mistake spirituality for healing, fun, safety, or acceptance from others. It may include these things in some way, but in its deeper essence, spirituality should always entail the search for meaning, for truth— which is not conditioned by current cultural norms of what is good or enjoyable. Much will have to be surrendered— perhaps, for a period of time, the outward participation in society altogether— in order to glean and feel the larger reality and our role within it. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

April Inspired Message- On Love & Knowledge

April is a “4” month, and 4 represents grounding, manifestation, and stability within Earthly reality. 

The coming of the Christ consciousness means that all will come into a sense of unity, union. That includes the shadow which has been suppressed or fought for millennia. The Christed being is not one who is solely in the light and who battles the darkness, but the one who has synthesized polarity within herself. When we descend into darkness, it is not in vain. It is not a mistake. It is not a sin. Rather, it is an experience that makes us wise, for we come to learn what life is truly about, what love is, and what it means to be spirit incarnated as a human.

The symbol of the cross indicates the intersection of spirit and matter through heart consciousness. It has been common to many indigenous cultures before religion twisted it into an emblem of crucifixion and suffering. The cross points to 4 directions, signifying our earthly existence, which are united in the center point, the Spirit, the heart space which is one and eternal. 

The cross shows us that spiritual awakening is not about going higher from a lowly place, but rather about coming back to this intersection point, the Center, the Divine Origin of our being before all the distortions took place. 

We do not have to hold onto our shadows as a secret; there is no shame in any experience when we reveal it to the eyes of God, who sees all, knows all anyway. Hiding parts of ourselves in the effort to be perfect actually prevents us from coming into wholeness. God is the non-polarized mind; the divine intelligence who witnesses life from the Eagle point of view, from the heart. This is alluded to in the Bible when it says “let thine eye be single,” which means moving away from dualistic thinking, synthesizing the heart and mind as one, and envisioning life in its complete picture: a continuously unfolding mandala that is beyond mental conceptions of good and bad. 

It is time to let the heaviness, the burdens we collectively have been carrying for so long disintegrate like wood meeting the Sacred Fire of life, becoming the ash that returns to Earth to be transformed and re-assimilated. We then rise up and rebirth ourselves as the new self, who from the depth of our experience can now embody even more wisdom and more compassion for all. Do not be mistaken; this is not an easy process and it takes reoccurring commitment and devotion; a sense of Absolute confidence to participate in divine destiny. 

This is what it means to be lion-hearted: animated by the strength of love and fiercely defending life as its guardian rather than letting chaos and heaviness weigh on one’s heart and take away from one’s power to act in the world, in accordance with universal law. 

The power of love is the so-called “Holy Grail” that we cannot lose or forget once received. The holy grail will be offered to those who approach knowledge, as represented by the goddess Sophia, with humility and reverence.

Art by Shiloh Sophia McCloud

There is also a deeper message of the two trees in the Garden of Eden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When the trees are reunited, knowledge is no longer used for egoic purposes that go against Divine Will and bind us to the dualistic paradigm where we "surely die," meaning see physical death at odds with eternal life. When we have recognized love as our source, we can never truly lose the essence of our being, even if we have "fallen." And with love, we can understand polarity, good and evil, in a synthesized way. This is wisdom. 

We have been endowed with the free will choice to go against our real nature. A loving Creator gives us this freedom because we are sovereign beings, not slaves, and because through the experience of separation our love becomes all the more devoted and expanded; more so than if we had never fell. This is the significance of resurrection and redemption. 

So the presence in the heart is the only place where we are “safe” from the fallen state, which is a consciousness, not a location. This planet can be heaven or hell, depending on one's own perspective and commitment to love. 

The heart opens like a bud, the faith blossoms, and knowledge is received. And true knowledge illuminates the way so that we may go beyond karmic situations, which are essentially actions born out of ignorance, and fully live as the Original human beings.  

"The more you move to the center while remaining present in your body, the more you will embody your essential self on Earth." - Pamela Kribbe, Heart Centered Living

July Eclipse Season Spirit Message :: Shamanic Magic Threading Beads of Grace 🌪🐋

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